Monday, February 10, 2014

Journal Entry: Grunwald

Kamilah Van
Professor Brenda Thomas
Journal Entry: Grumwald

Exerpt from The Swamp:The Everglades, Florida, and Politics of Paradise


Michael Grunwald

Overall I found the reading to be very informative about the restoration of the Everglades. I never knew how much of a process it was to get certain plans in order to help restore this area. In the open of the reading the author speaks about the slogan behind the campaign for Everglades’ restoration “A Time to Act”. I think that the slogan is interesting to see the relation to the campaign because it offers a call to action to all who read it.

Key officials had absolute authority and control over the restoration of the Everglades. With other individuals it is noted that we need to focus on the needs of the land and do what is best for it. “Action taken to restore the Everglades in the next year will set the course for the next several decades”. There are a lot of people who would love to see the area grow with loving authority and I believe the hard work of the people draws me in to this project and its success.  “After months of cheerleading for CERP, the Everglades Coalition once again had to decide what to do about an Everglades restoration plan with questionable benefits for the Everglades”.

It is amazing how we hold so much responsibility over the environment and creatures that inhabit Earth. The usually mild-mannered Senator Mack once yelled at him to mind his own business, nut Voinovich believed that if the Everglades was really “America’s Everglades, “as the Florida senators kept calling it, then a threat to the Everglades was America’s business”. As I continued to read the text I wondered if the efforts that were taken were effective and if the slogan could be used national to promote more concern towards the restoration of this region.

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