Monday, April 21, 2014

Earth Charter

Kamilah Van

Professor Brenda Thomas

IDS 3920 CRN 10140

Journal Entry Earth Charter


The Earth Charter is a document that stands and supports the future of the Earth. Its intent is to establish a set of guidelines that humanity can follow in order to protect the resources we have in order to have a prosperous future. This document serves as a guide for all of use to live sustainable lives for the good of the home we all share. "Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life." As repeated in class constantly we all have a role in the protection of Earth. It is not only expected but it is encouraged through the text, trips and class discussions we have constantly. What I like about the document is that it is broken down into four sections that attempt to tackle and address some of the problems we are dealing with currently. Hopefully this document can have the power to be adopted by all and given as much value as we could our constitution and other documents for global good.


The following statement is towards the opening of the document: "The choice is ours: form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living". This statement offers to set the tone of the document and leads to the many important parts that will take place. The document is broken down into four sections: Respect and Care for the Community of Life, Ecological Integrity, Social and Economic Justice, and Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace. These sections host many other subjects that will help with the point of the document. I feel that by reading this it puts into the perspective the responsibilities that we all have for the Earth. At this point in my college experience a vast majority of what I have learned about the environment has been taught to me in various courses. It is important to expand my knowledge and actually want to apply these concepts after I graduate. The time has come for sustainable living to become something that is seriously done in every area of human existence. It's time that people take more responsibility and put more emphasis on the issues. I feel that once a document like this can be genuinely adopted then progress can begin.

I liked reading the document because it broke down how we can make an effort to fix some of the problems going on. Since the issues host a wide variety of subjects there is something that all areas of authority can find significant. "In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development". In an effort to continue to educate people about documents like this it is important that education continues. Apart from this class I'm not sure that I would have known that a document like this existed. One thing I can say is that FGCU is making an effort to make sure that when students leave this institution they have a better understanding and relationship to the issues at hand. Here is the link to the Earth Charter Document:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Journal Entry: Orr

Kamilah Van
IDS 3920 CRN 10140
Professor Brenda Thomas

Exerpt from Earth in Mind: On Education Environment, and the Human Prospect

Love it or Lose it: The Coming Biophili Revolution

David W. Orr

To have a desire to live a sustainable life can be an asset and a liability. Through the text it develops the idea that being living sustainably is cause for debate. How can one make better effort to embrace a lifestyle that will support our future? Whenever you hold influence over someone or something honestly live your life and strive to be an example every day. But do not worry wherever you fall short reach out to someone who can lift you up not knock you down. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we practice sustainability on a daily basis? The possibilities are endless! From the perspective of the author biophilia was discussed and various examples of its existence were given. "The affinity for life or biophilia competes with other drives and affinities, including biophobia disguised beneath the abstractions and presumptions of progress found in economics, management, and technology" (Orr).
What drives people to establish their relationship with the environment? One can guess a sense of place or some sort of connection comes into play. It is hard to do the right thing in a world where doing wrong has become a norm, and even harder when you are used to the current state of the social norms. I chose to inspire and be inspired by others. Life is a journey and you will not always have the answers to the trials and tribulations. By being at FGCU I am taught to value living sustainably and strive for something greater. Also to question what the norms are and speak on my opinion about the sustainability of my environment. "It is necessary to undermine community, and with it resistance to crossing the divide" (Orr).
Even though there are a million people doing the wrong thing you can be the one who chooses to do Right for the good of the Earth and yourself. You do not have to always strive for a reward but it is nice to know that other may see your good deeds and look past your exterior to see that everyone is responsible for their part in this ecological crisis. "we are now engaged in a great global debate about what it means to live "sustainably" on earth" (Orr).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Field Trip Reflection

Field Trip Reflection

Kamilah Van

The field trip to downtown Fort Myers connected with my sense of place. I determine my sense of place to embody the elements of a city environment. By our field trip to downtown Fort Myers I was able to learn more history about the city and visualize the advances it has made over the years.

From the field trip I learned for the first time about the military history that the city holds. There were many monuments that honored veterans and specific military officials that are significant to that area. I also learned about Ford, Firestone, and Edison and the part they played on the area.  

Going on the field trip impacted me for both the present and the future because it allowed me to see that there is success in progress. The city of Fort Myers has come a long way since it's initial founding and I am confident that this city still pays admiration to it's roots. I like how the area was still able to incorporate the military history and the relationship with the environment.

The experience of the field trip connects to the readings and discussion from class because it puts a visual to the concepts we discuss. One of the points we covered in class was urban sprawl and how communities grow and develop and how they affect the environment. It's important to understand how development can change an area. It is especially important for Fort Myers because a majority of the area was marsh environment before the water was drained and plans were made to create neighborhoods.