Monday, April 7, 2014

Field Trip Reflection

Field Trip Reflection

Kamilah Van

The field trip to downtown Fort Myers connected with my sense of place. I determine my sense of place to embody the elements of a city environment. By our field trip to downtown Fort Myers I was able to learn more history about the city and visualize the advances it has made over the years.

From the field trip I learned for the first time about the military history that the city holds. There were many monuments that honored veterans and specific military officials that are significant to that area. I also learned about Ford, Firestone, and Edison and the part they played on the area.  

Going on the field trip impacted me for both the present and the future because it allowed me to see that there is success in progress. The city of Fort Myers has come a long way since it's initial founding and I am confident that this city still pays admiration to it's roots. I like how the area was still able to incorporate the military history and the relationship with the environment.

The experience of the field trip connects to the readings and discussion from class because it puts a visual to the concepts we discuss. One of the points we covered in class was urban sprawl and how communities grow and develop and how they affect the environment. It's important to understand how development can change an area. It is especially important for Fort Myers because a majority of the area was marsh environment before the water was drained and plans were made to create neighborhoods.

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