Monday, March 31, 2014

Journal Entry: Goodall

Kamilah Van
Professor Brenda Thomas
IDS 3920 CRN 10140
Journal Entry: Goodall
Excerpt from Hope for Animals and Their World
Healing Earth’s Scars: It’s Never Too Late
Jane Goodall, Gail Hudson, and Thane Maynard

Through shared stories about species and their importance to the environment this narrative was able to provide a closer look in regards to endangered species. “My four reasons for hope, about which I have written and spoken extensively, are simple- naive perhaps, but they work for me: our quite extraordinary intellect, the resilience of nature, the energy and commitment of informed young people who are empowered to act, and commitment of informed young people who are empowered to act, and the indomitable human spirit” (Goodall). The efforts done to limit and ultimately eliminate the rate at which animals are on the verge of extinction allow a clearer understanding of the tasks that people are taking on throughout the world. As a closer look is taken as to why endangered species are becoming more of a norm one can find that the collaborative efforts of others are allowing such animals to have a safe environment to get out of their current status. Through the many examples the passion of the author about this cause is apparent. Something to be noted is that it takes man efforts, laws, and funding to help establish safer environments for the animals to live in and flourish.

Collaboration picture of engangered species.
What I was enlightening about this reading were the countless examples of efforts being done around the world to help rehabilitate areas that were diminishing which ultimately affected the animals that inhabited that area.  By taking a closer look at places like Kenya, Utah, and Ontario I was provided with a better understanding of the hard work that goes into making sure that the animals in question are provided with quality living conditions to help elongate their lives. “The pollution of our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans is one of the more shocking results of the use of chemicals and other damaging agents in agriculture, industry, household products, golf courses, and gardens, since much of this poison is washed into the water” (Goodall). Through the various examples it provided me with a better visual of the situation. Also, I was apparent that with the collaboration of others who care about the issue matters could be taken to ensure that endangered species are eliminated by providing more concern for the needs of such animals. With each project completed more opportunities are available to diminish the terrifying rates of animal extinction.

Logo for the Jane Goodall Institute.
Apart from endangered species this reading talked about a variety of other world issues such as water pollution, relief efforts, and education. What is good about this part of the text is that it didn’t just focus on one type of issue. By branching out to these other topics it provided a better understanding of the surrounding area. “All around the world, it has been shown that as women’s education improves, family size tends to drop- and after all, it was the growth of the population in the area that first led to the grim conditions TACARE was trying to address” (Goodall). With a better understanding of the issues at hand the public can be better aware of what’s going on. For those interested in helping this provides a larger platform for them to determine the areas that need help. By collaborating with efforts like JGI and TACARE it can help improve the lives of people in poor communities.  

Excerpt from Hope for Animals and Their World

Why Save Endangered Species?

Jane Goodall, Gail Hudson, and Thane Maynard

It’s important to have concern for endangered animals because they are a part of the land. With the collaborative effort of what all animals and plants provide to the Earth we all have an important role. Through this text more efforts and explanations where made about the importance for saving animals that can’t save themselves. This reading is more persuasive than the last but is still rooted in examples and key findings that assist in this cause.  “It is indeed true that the expense of saving an endangered species can be exorbitant, so it is fortunate that in many countries there are laws protecting life-forms threatened with extinction” (Goodall). With hundreds of species going into extinction without human concern it is important that closer attention is paid to such animals in an effort to offer relief. As more research is produced about this topic it is interesting to see the continuous efforts that are being implemented over time.
Baby Red Wolfs.
Throughout the reading the importance is stressed about why we need nature in our lives. For me this reminds me of the sense of place discussions that is incorporated in our coursework and class discussions. I wonder from this reading how much sense of place factors how an individual feels about such issues as endangered species. “If we allow extinctions to happen through ignorance or greed, then with the loss of each endangered species and unique population, our world becomes less diverse and strikingly less beautiful and mysterious” (Goodall). I believe that we should all hold each other accountable for the efforts that we take place in because it could be the issues behind why animals are falling into extinction. If our society held more concern about the importance of endangered species I believe it would improve how we feel about the topic ad promote change.  
Home page of World Wild Life. Featuring Top 5 Species Adoptions.

One thing about this reading is that it leans on hope as a needed factor to promote change. Educating people can be one of the key components to getting more support on the issue. Protecting the Earth is a major concern and as a society we need to learn how to get around barriers like government neglect and the values placed on these issues. “To save planet Earth, each of us who cares must become involved in protecting and restoring the wild places and the animals and plants that live there (Goodall).  With everyone playing their role in the design of our society I think sometimes it takes people being able to see that their actions to make a difference. With collaborative efforts from concerned individuals and nonprofit organization many efforts can be made.  
*There were two readings written by Goodall so I wrote about both.

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